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Susan L. Brantley (Photo)

Susan Brantley

Email: sxb7@psu.edu
Phone: 814-865-1619
Office Address: 225b Earth & Engineering Sciences Building
Title: Evan Pugh University Professor and Barnes Professor of Geosciences
Unit: Department of Geosciences
Webpage: https://www.geosc.psu.edu/directory/susan-brantley

Research Interests:

  • Aqueous geochemistry
  • Geochemical kinetics
  • Microbial biogeochemistry


My research focuses on natural and human-induced reactions among water, rock, gas, biota, and soil. I have long been interested in the rates and mechanisms of water-rock reactions in the field and in the laboratory, including how we measure them, reproduce them in the laboratory, and model them.


As an aqueous geochemist at Penn State, my title is Distinguished Professor of Geosciences. I am also the Director of the Earth and Environmental Systems Institute and the Laboratory for Isotopes and Metals in the Environment. I investigate chemical, geological, biological, physical, and anthropogenic processes associated with the circulation of aqueous fluids in shallow hydrogeologic settings, with a particular focus on inter-relationships within the critical zone. I have a Ph.D. in geological and geophysical sciences from Princeton University.